Cont. Update and announcement.

Well here I am again. Now I think I will be able to write the post that I had started the other day.

It’s Sunday, and we didn’t go to church as all our family aren’t too well, especially my husband, who’s asthma has been acting up for a few weeks and yesterday it got worse. I feel sorry for him; it must be a horrible thing not being able to breathe well.  Anyway, we stayed home and now we are all quite relaxed having a quiet time and the computer was free, so I decided this is the best time to finish that little post.

Hope you all had a great time with the holiday season, and that the New Year has begun well for you. May God richly bless your path this year.

Well , the update and announcement I suppose most people that read this blog are already aware of is that WE ARE EXPECTING AGAIN! NUMBER 6 IS ON THE WAY!!! I find it amazing how that kind of news spreads in funny ways; I never mean to keep it a secret (well even if I did, I never succeed!). Most people I know wait at least till the first 12 weeks is out of the way. I don’t have anything against that, I actually have tried to do that a few times, but then I tell one person, and it just goes on from there; before I know it I have told almost everyone and I am only about 8 weeks pregnant.

Dave and I often say that our life is like an open book, nothing to hide. We never really had something in our life that we felt we couldn’t or shouldn’t tell anyone about. With this baby it is no different, we told a few people and now everybody knows but they are just waiting to be told by us, so as we get to those that haven’t yet heard from us, I am trying  to have grace and ask “Have you heard the news?” That way I give them a choice, they can choose to say “ Yes, I heard the news, congratulations!”  Instead of saying “I have something to tell you, I am pregnant!“ Because that sometimes makes people pretend they haven’t heard yet, and then it is so awkward that their faces go red and it is very uncomfortable.

I don’t like putting people in an awkward situation. It is wonderful news, another blessing that God has given us, why should I keep it to myself or even be upset about people knowing it by others. I just expect honesty that is all, if you know it, great! Come and talk to me. If I ask if you heard it be honest and tell me you did, it doesn’t matter however you heard it just be happy with us.

Well that was the announcement, now the update:  We are moving!!! West Cork is our stop! The Kinsella family is set for another adventure. Although it is sad to leave our church here, we are quite excited about the move. It is so nice when the Lord brings other single minded people that share the same vision across our paths. Please pray for us! It wasn’t an easy decision to make and it won’t be easy to adapt but if the Lord is in it, He will guide it and grow His work there.  I will post more details when it comes closer to the move date, around March.

That’s the latest news these days, as much as I am happy about the news I am scared too, there is so MUCH to do. De-cluttering our house is the most overwhelming job that comes to my mind, so much stuff. Dave and I are coming up with a plan to do little by little every day.

At the end of the month we are going to West Cork to paint the house we are moving into and get it cleaned up. All exciting stuff, but I am trying to think how I will be able to help much. I would love to paint some, but I think my job will be to cook for those who are helping and minding the children so the helpers can work.

I will be posting as I can. After so long without writing I have had some time to think about this blog and the purpose for it. As much as I want to write anything that comes to my mind, I do want to write things that will somehow bless others too.  So I think my deep thoughts are better than just little things that are happening in my life. Somehow past stories teach me much more than something that is happening now, so I will be back with more of that soon.


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